Exploring The Currency Of Warhammer 40K

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Warhammer Tau Warhammer 40K Good Value for Money? from warhammer-tau-army.blogspot.com

Welcome to the world of Warhammer 40k, where battles are fought between futuristic armies with advanced technology and powerful weapons. But amidst the chaos of war, there is another element that plays a crucial role in the game - currency. In this blog post, we will delve into the different aspects of currency in the Warhammer 40k universe, exploring its importance, types, and how it affects the gameplay. So grab your armor and get ready to dive into the world of Warhammer 40k currency.

When it comes to Warhammer 40k currency, one of the most important aspects to understand is the concept of "points." Points are the currency used to build and customize your army. Each unit, weapon, and ability has a specific point value assigned to it, which determines its cost in the game. This means that players need to carefully manage their points to create a balanced and efficient army. Points are a vital resource in Warhammer 40k, as they directly impact the size and capabilities of your army on the battlefield.

The Importance of Points

Points play a crucial role in Warhammer 40k for several reasons. Firstly, they help to ensure fair and balanced gameplay. By assigning point values to each unit and weapon, the game designers can create a system where players can build armies of roughly equal strength. This allows for more strategic and competitive gameplay, as players need to carefully consider their choices and make trade-offs to stay within their point limits.

Secondly, points provide a sense of progression and achievement. As players gain more experience and expand their collection of miniatures, they can build larger and more powerful armies. This sense of growth and improvement is an integral part of the Warhammer 40k experience, and points serve as a tangible representation of a player's investment in their army.

Lastly, points contribute to the overall balance of the game. By assigning specific point values to units and weapons, the game designers can ensure that no single unit or combination becomes overpowered. This helps to create a dynamic and varied meta-game, where players need to constantly adapt their strategies and explore different options to stay competitive.

Types of Currency

In addition to points, Warhammer 40k features other forms of currency that can be used to enhance your gaming experience. One such currency is "Command Points." Command Points are a resource that can be earned and spent during the game to activate powerful abilities and tactics. These abilities can provide a significant advantage on the battlefield, allowing players to turn the tide of battle or gain a strategic edge over their opponents.

Another form of currency in Warhammer 40k is "Requisition Points." Requisition Points are earned through various in-game actions, such as capturing objectives or eliminating enemy units. These points can be used to summon reinforcements, upgrade units, or unlock special abilities. Requisition Points add an additional layer of strategy to the game, as players need to carefully manage their resources and decide when and how to spend them.

Furthermore, Warhammer 40k introduces the concept of "Power Rating" as a form of currency. Power Rating is a simplified alternative to points, where each unit and weapon is assigned a specific value. Power Rating allows for quick and easy army building, making it ideal for casual or narrative gameplay. While Power Rating lacks the precision and balance of points, it offers a more streamlined and accessible experience for players who prefer a more relaxed approach to the game.

The Role of Currency in Gameplay

Now that we have explored the different types of currency in Warhammer 40k, let's dive into how they impact the gameplay itself. Currency, in the form of points, Command Points, Requisition Points, and Power Rating, influences the choices players make when building their army and during the actual battles.

Army Building

Points are the primary currency used during army building. Players have a specific number of points available to spend, which limits the size and capabilities of their army. This forces players to make strategic decisions and prioritize their choices based on their army's overall strategy and objectives. Players need to consider factors such as unit synergies, army composition, and resource allocation to create a well-rounded and effective force.

Command Points and Requisition Points also come into play during army building, as players need to factor in the cost of special abilities and reinforcements. These resources can significantly impact the overall strategy and playstyle of an army, adding another layer of depth to the army building process.


During battles, currency in the form of Command Points and Requisition Points allows players to activate powerful abilities and make strategic choices. Command Points can be spent to reroll dice, interrupt the opponent's turn, or activate unique abilities that can turn the tide of battle. Requisition Points, on the other hand, can be used to summon reinforcements, upgrade units on the fly, or unlock special abilities that provide temporary bonuses.

The availability and management of currency during battles can greatly influence the outcome of the game. Players need to carefully consider when and how to spend their Command Points and Requisition Points, as wasting them on ineffective actions can leave them at a significant disadvantage. This adds an additional layer of tactical decision-making and resource management to the gameplay, making each battle a strategic challenge.


Warhammer 40k currency, in the form of points, Command Points, Requisition Points, and Power Rating, is a vital aspect of the game that influences army building and gameplay. Points ensure fair and balanced gameplay, provide a sense of progression and achievement, and contribute to the overall balance of the game. Command Points and Requisition Points add depth and strategy to the gameplay, allowing players to activate powerful abilities and make tactical decisions. Whether you are a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the world of Warhammer 40k, understanding and managing the currency is essential to achieving victory on the battlefield.


PointsThe primary currency used for army building, representing the cost of units and weapons.
Command PointsA resource earned and spent during battles to activate powerful abilities and tactics.
Requisition PointsPoints earned through in-game actions, used to summon reinforcements and unlock special abilities.
Power RatingA simplified alternative to points, providing a quick and accessible way to build armies.
