Cool Procrastination Type Quiz References

What Type of Procrastinator Are You? Infographic eLearning Infographics
What Type of Procrastinator Are You? Infographic eLearning Infographics from

Procrastination is a common struggle that many people face. It can be difficult to stay focused and motivated, especially when there are so many distractions and responsibilities vying for our attention. One effective way to combat procrastination is by understanding the different types of procrastinators and finding strategies that work best for each type. In this blog post, we will explore a procrastination type quiz that can help you identify your procrastination tendencies and provide tips on how to overcome them.

Procrastination Type Quiz: Find Out Your Procrastination Style

1. The Perfectionist Procrastinator

The perfectionist procrastinator is someone who constantly seeks perfection and often feels overwhelmed by the fear of making mistakes. They may spend excessive amounts of time on a task, trying to make it flawless, but end up missing deadlines or not completing it at all. This type of procrastinator often struggles with self-doubt and is afraid of being judged by others.

To overcome perfectionist procrastination, it is important to set realistic expectations for yourself. Understand that perfection is not attainable and that making mistakes is a normal part of the learning process. Break tasks into smaller, manageable chunks and focus on progress rather than perfection. Set specific deadlines for each task and hold yourself accountable.

Additionally, practice self-compassion and remind yourself that it is okay to make mistakes. Surround yourself with supportive and understanding individuals who can provide encouragement and help you stay motivated.

2. The Busy Bee Procrastinator

The busy bee procrastinator is someone who constantly fills their schedule with various tasks and commitments, leaving little time to focus on important tasks. They may spend their time on less important activities or engage in multitasking, which can lead to decreased productivity and increased stress.

To overcome busy bee procrastination, it is important to prioritize tasks and manage your time effectively. Identify the most important tasks and allocate specific time slots for them in your schedule. Eliminate or delegate tasks that are not essential or can be done by someone else. Avoid multitasking and instead focus on one task at a time, giving it your full attention.

It is also important to take breaks and rest when needed. Pushing yourself too hard can lead to burnout and decreased productivity. Remember to schedule downtime and engage in activities that help you relax and recharge.

3. The Indecisive Procrastinator

The indecisive procrastinator is someone who struggles with making decisions and often spends a significant amount of time weighing the pros and cons. They may fear making the wrong choice and as a result, delay making any decision at all. This type of procrastinator often feels overwhelmed by the abundance of options and struggles with analysis paralysis.

To overcome indecisive procrastination, it is important to set clear goals and priorities. Take the time to define what you want to achieve and break down the decision-making process into smaller, more manageable steps. Consider the potential outcomes and consequences of each option, but avoid overthinking and getting stuck in the decision-making process.

Seek advice from trusted individuals who can provide different perspectives and insights. Remember that making a decision is better than not making one at all. Trust your instincts and have confidence in your ability to adapt and handle any challenges that may arise.

4. The Instant Gratification Procrastinator

The instant gratification procrastinator is someone who is easily distracted by immediate pleasures and often prioritizes short-term enjoyment over long-term goals. They may spend excessive amounts of time on social media, watching TV shows, or engaging in other activities that provide instant gratification, but do not contribute to their overall success.

To overcome instant gratification procrastination, it is important to set clear goals and create a plan of action. Break tasks into smaller, more manageable steps and set specific deadlines for each step. Use tools and techniques such as time blocking and Pomodoro technique to stay focused and minimize distractions.

It is also helpful to create a supportive environment that minimizes temptations and distractions. Disconnect from social media or use apps that block certain websites or apps during designated work periods. Reward yourself after completing tasks or reaching milestones to reinforce positive behavior and motivate yourself to continue working towards your long-term goals.

In conclusion, understanding your procrastination tendencies is the first step towards overcoming procrastination. By identifying your procrastination type through a procrastination type quiz, you can gain insight into your habits and behaviors. Use the strategies and tips provided for each type to develop effective strategies that work best for you. Remember, overcoming procrastination takes time and effort, but with determination and perseverance, you can increase your productivity and achieve your goals.


This table summarizes the different types of procrastinators and provides strategies to overcome each type:

Perfectionist ProcrastinatorStrives for perfection and fears making mistakesSet realistic expectations, break tasks into smaller chunks, focus on progress
Busy Bee ProcrastinatorFills schedule with various tasks and commitmentsPrioritize tasks, manage time effectively, avoid multitasking
Indecisive ProcrastinatorStruggles with making decisions and overthinksSet clear goals, break down decision-making process, seek advice
Instant Gratification ProcrastinatorEasily distracted by immediate pleasuresSet clear goals, create a plan, minimize distractions, reward yourself
